Feb 7, 2022

Leeds Refugee Forum - the LJLD Charity of the Year 2022!

The Leeds JLD aims to support a local charity with fundraising from our events throughout the year.

The votes are in, and we are delighted to announce that the Leeds JLD charity of the year is the Leeds Refugee Forum.

The Leeds Refugee Forum was founded in 2003 and their mission is to be the voice for refugees and asylum seekers.

Their vision is that refugees and asylum seekers in Leeds feel welcome and safe, are able to access support, and are provided with every opportunity to rebuild their lives, and the Leeds JLD is looking forward to supporting them in this vital work.

Keep a look out for our fundraising events throughout the year, as we are looking forward to working with our members to see how much money we can raise for this fantastic charity.

In the meantime you can read more about the work of Leeds Refugee Forum here: https://www.leedsrefugeeforum.org.uk/