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September Update- Changes to the JLD, and Upcoming Elections!

We hope that you are all staying safe and well.

During the summer the Leeds JLD has been busy planning events. As was done prior to summer, each month a bulletin newsletter detailing the events will be circulated. Our mailing list can be accessed on our website

Leeds JLD Changes Given the circumstances that we now find ourselves in due to coronavirus, the Leeds JLD has taken the opportunity to reflect on our current calendar year and practice. We believe that it is in the best interests of our members to change around our calendar year. The proposed year will now run from January to December rather than from September to September. All memberships will be valid for this year until 31 December 2021. The renewal date will, as of 2021, be the 1 January. We have taken this decision so that our events including charity and education will run more smoothly. Elections Due to the changes detailed above, committee elections will now be held in November. It is anticipated that the following positions will be up for election in November, with the role to officially commence in January: •             Secretary; •             Barrister Representative; •             Sports Officer •             Publicity Officer; •             Events Officer; and •             Sponsorship Officer. Full details regarding the election and available positions will be circulated in early November. Please do not hesitate to contact the committee if you have any queries or questions.   With best wishes Caroline Deathe and Kim Woodhead (Co-Chairs) on behalf of Leeds JLD

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