Do you want to become more involved in your local JLD? Do you want to represent your firm/chambers? Do you have ideas for organising future networking, social and educational events? Do you want the opportunity to get to know other junior legal professionals in Leeds? Are you a solicitor apprentice, LPC student/graduate, trainee solicitor, pupil, solicitor or barrister (up to 5 years PQE)? If the answer is yes, join your JLD Committee! The Leeds JLD Committee is run by an elected volunteer Committee where we organise social, training, educational and networking events for our members. We also aim to promote the interests of our members and develop relationships across the legal community.
We are currently recruiting for the following positions:
Treasurer – responsible for managing the JLD account and our budget for the year ensuring invoices are paid and raised on time.
Events Officer – responsible for working alongside our current events officer Anna Schiavetta in organising great events and networking opportunities.
National Representative – responsible for attending the national JLD events and liaising with the Leeds JLD.
If you have any queries about any of the roles, please email and your query will be passed to the current representative. Alternatively, check out our website at
How to stand
You can stand by submitting your application by 12 November 2021 at 12pm to Your application should be up to 500 words and explain why you should be elected as a Leeds JLD committee member and what you will bring to the representative role.
Please note if any of the positions are contested, current members of the Leeds JLD will be invited to vote between 17 November 2021 and 24November 2021. All positions will be announced by early December 2020 with successful candidates contacted.
Please note the committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6pm and you must be able to commit to the meetings for the year. The first meeting will be on Wednesday 5 January 2022.
Good luck!
