Thank you to all who have voted for next years committee. We are delighted to announce that Olamide Owojori from Stewarts will be joining us as Treasurer, Leanne Gibson from Ramsdens as our Events Officer and Ellie Folger from Ramsdens as our National Representative. The 2022 committee will therefore be as follows:
Ellie Stansfield – Chair
Samantha Patel – Vice Chair
Olamide Owojori – Treasurer
Arooj Amer – Secretary
Haseenah Ali - Sponsorship Officer
Laurel Sleet - Charity & Education Officer
Danielle Hutchison - Media & Publicity Officer
Anna Schiavetta – Events Officer
Leanne Gibson – Events Officer
Kate Imeson – Sports Representative
Jade Ferguson - Bar Representative
Harvey Blake – FELT/In-House
Ellie Folger – National Representative
Kimberley Woodhead/Sinead Frost – Leeds Law Society Liaison Officers
We would also like to thank our out-going Events Officer, Elizabeth Russell, for all her hard work and commitment over the past three years.
